How Axial Dampers Improve Vending Machine Safety and Reliability

Vending machines can be found in almost every industry and serve as a convenient way for people to purchase goods on the go. However, vending machines doors and mechanisms need to be operated smoothly and safely, which is where dampers come in.

Dampers are game-changer components for vending machines: they can control the opening and closing of doors slowing them down, they can be used on the push feeder inside the machine itself and on more modern ones they can be installed to control various doors, lids and covers or internal movements. It is clear that they are essential components of vending machines, as they help control the opening and closing movements.

Here are some possible applications of vending machines with rotary, axial, and linear dampers:

Vending machines in healthcare facilities: vending machines with dampers can be used to dispense medications, first aid supplies, and other healthcare-related products.

Vending machines in schools and universities: dampers can be used to control the opening and closing of the vending machine doors, ensuring smooth movements.

Vending machines in offices: vending machines with dampers can be used to dispense snacks and beverages, making it easy for employees to grab a quick bite during their break time.

Vending machines in airports and train stations: vending machines with dampers can be used to dispense travel-related products like toiletries, chargers, and travel-sized snacks.

Vending machines in factories and manufacturing facilities: vending machines with dampers can be used to dispense tools, safety equipment, and other manufacturing-related products.


Vending machines are therefore widely used, and in case they present dampers in their functions it will be obvious: the quality of use will always be one step ahead of the others.

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