The family is growing

The family

is growing
The family

is growing

Our F family welcomes the FA MONO,
the first axial barrel damper with mono-directional function.

The axial barrel damper FA MONO is the new exclusive Cultraro damper for soft motion rotative movement with the monodirectional function.

Thanks to its small diameter of only 13mm, the torque range and monodirectional function the FA damper can handle many light and medium weight applications in different fields: 


  • glove compartments
  • grab handles


  • various doors on furniture, home appliances and more
  • covers in particular areas such as medical, electronics, and many others

The family

is growing

FA MONO Cultraro axial damper has remarkable features

  • resistant to high temperatures (up to 90°C)
  • very long life cycles (up to 25,000 cycles @Rt)
  • its performances last over time